
The end of a marriage is a traumatic experience. However, with the right legal representation, you may be able to minimize the pain and move on with your life. At Stearns & Ryan Lawyers, their goal is to help clients resolve their issues as quickly and effectively as possible. In addition to knowledge and experience, they are proud to offer clients personalized legal advice on divorce. Contact them today to speak to a trustworthy family law attorney in Los Angeles.

Contested divorce

A contested divorce occurs when a couple cannot agree on certain terms related to their separation. This type of divorce can be costly and time-consuming. It is common for a contested divorce to last months, or sometimes even years. Common issues that result in a contested divorce include alimony, child custody, and division of property and assets. In order to settle these issues, you and your spouse must go court. As a result, it is of the utmost importance that you hire a divorce attorney in Los Angeles who has significant trial experience.

While any type of divorce is almost always emotionally painful, a contested divorce can be even more devastating — especially when children are involved.

Uncontested divorce

An uncontested divorce occurs when you and your spouse are able to agree on issues related to alimony, child custody, and division of property and assets without the assistance of the court. One of the biggest advantages of an uncontested divorce is that it is relatively inexpensive. Additionally, an uncontested divorce allows you and your spouse to end your marriage quickly.

Furthermore, an uncontested divorce is private, and allows all parties involved to keep their dignity. You should contact a Los Angeles family law attorney to find out if uncontested divorce is right for you. If you and your spouse are frequently fighting, it may not be the right choice. Also, if domestic violence is involved, an uncontested divorce would likely not be the appropriate choice.

Contact us

If you are seeking experienced, knowledgeable attorneys to represent you in a family law matter, contact Stearns & Ryan Lawyers today by phone at 310.793.9570 or online. For your convenience, the firm’s attorneys are available during weekends and evenings by prior appointment. Spanish interpreters are also available. Headed and managed by Ryan E. Stearns who is a Certified Specialist in Family Law by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization.