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Proven Car Accident Attorneys Protecting the Rights of Wisconsin Residents

Wisconsin car accident lawyers Michael Hupy & Jason AbrahamInjured and Need an Experienced Wisconsin Car Accident Attorney?

With so many car accident lawyers in Wisconsin advertising on TV, billboards, and the Internet, finding the right attorney can be a challenge.

At Hupy and Abraham, we have been representing clients injured in auto accidents since 1969. Our car accident lawyers in Wisconsin have over 170 years of combined experience and we are committed to each and every client whom we represent.

We believe that every successful car accident recovery starts with the injured victim having accurate information about the legal process. Accordingly, we’ve provided much of this information for free and we encourage you to read our book, The Ultimate Guide for Automobile Accident Victims, and to browse our website to find out more information about car accidents and car accident recoveries.

If you would like to schedule a free consultation at one of our conveniently located Wisconsin offices in Milwaukee, Appleton, Green Bay, Madison, or Wausau, then please call us today at 414-616-3240 or start a live chat with us now.

Common Types of Auto Accidents We See at Hupy & Abraham

Common types of Wisconsin car accidents include:

  • T-bone crashes: This type of side impact crashes occurs when the front or back of one car collides with the side of another car and forms a “T” shape. T-bone crashes frequently occur when a car fails to stop at an intersection.
  • rear-end car accident on a Wisconsin highwayRear-end wrecks: A driver who is distracted, speeding, drunk, or otherwise negligent may fail to leave himself enough time to prevent hitting the car in front of him. Rear-end accidents are among the most common type of crashes in Wisconsin and around the nation.
  • Head-on collisions: A head-on collision occurs when the front ends of two cars collide. Head-on crashes are not as common as other types of accidents, but when they do occur they are more likely to result in serious injuries or death.
  • Pedestrian accidents: Walkers and joggers lack the protective metal, airbags, and other safety features of cars. Thus, when a car collides with a pedestrian the result can be catastrophic.
  • Bicycle accidents: Cyclists and cars need to share the road, but when they collide it is often the rider who is significantly injured due to a car driver’s negligence.
  • Rollover crashes: Some rollover crashes are caused by vehicle defects, but many are caused by drivers who are negligent. Speeding, distracted driving, drunk driving and other negligent behavior can lead to serious injuries from a rollover accident.

Our car accident attorneys have successfully represented clients in these types of crashes and in others.

Common Factors That Lead to Auto Accidents

Car accidents are caused for a lot of different reasons. In the text and video below, we detail some of the most common reasons wrecks occur.

  • Distracted driving: Common distractions include texting, talking on the phone, using the Internet, eating, and dealing with passengers. However, the list of possible distractions is almost endless and any kind of distraction can result in a dangerous crash.

  • Drunk driving: A driver with a blood alcohol content of 0.08 percent or higher is considered to be drunk in Wisconsin. Drunk drivers, or drivers under the influence of drugs, can cause catastrophic crashes.
  • Speeding: Wisconsin has an absolute speed limit law. Anyone driving just one mile per hour over the posted speed limit is speeding. Speeding may not leave a driver enough time to stop or react to driving conditions.
  • Drowsy or fatigued driving: Drivers may underestimate how dangerous it is to drive while fatigued, but sleepy drivers may be as dangerous as distracted and drunk drivers.
  • Complicated roadways: Road design or road conditions can make driving complicated. Drivers who are distracted, drowsy, drunk, or otherwise negligent may have trouble avoiding a crash on these complicated roads.
  • Teen drivers: Teen drivers are new drivers…and new drivers lack the on-the-road experience of more seasoned drivers. This lack of experience may make it difficult for a teen driver to know what to do in a dangerous situation, and may lead to accidents.
  • Elderly drivers: Elderly drivers may be experienced drivers, but their eyesight, reflexes and judgment may be compromised and may result in crashes.
  • Aggressive drivers: Aggressive drivers who weave in and out of traffic, tailgate, or make other dangerous moves can lose control or be unable to avoid a serious wreck.

Regardless of the specific cause of the crash, an experienced car accident lawyer can help investigate who is responsible for the wreck.

Types of Injuries Our Attorneys See Most Often

Our clients have suffered all kinds of injuries in car accidents, including:

  • Brain injuries: Wisconsin car accident brain injuries may include diffuse axonal injuries, shearing or tearing of the white matter, lacerations, blood clots, hematomas, and concussions.
  • Spinal cord injuries: Both incomplete spinal cord injuries such as anterior cord syndrome, central cord syndrome, posterior cord syndrome, Brown-Sequard syndrome, cauda equina lesions, and complete spinal cord injuries such as complete paraplegia and complete tetraplegia may occur after a Wisconsin car crash.
  • Broken bones: Broken ankles, legs, pelvises, hips, arms, backs, ribs, collarbones, necks, facial bones, skulls and other bones can result in significant pain, time out of work, and long recoveries.
  • Burns: Gasoline and combustible engines can result in car fires when vehicles collide. These fires can then result in burns that are extremely painful and that require long term rehabilitation and treatment.
  • Amputations: A serious crash can result in the loss of a hand or foot, leg or arm. This can impact a person’s quality of life and ability to earn an income, and may require significant medical and rehabilitation treatments.
  • Pregnancy complications: When a pregnant woman is involved in a crash, both the woman and her unborn child can suffer the consequences.
  • Death: This is, obviously, the most serious consequence of a Wisconsin car crash. The surviving relatives may have the right to pursue a legal recovery after the tragic loss of their loved one.

Anyone who has suffered one of these injuries because of someone else’s negligence deserves to make a fair recovery.


Our Personal Injury Attorneys Have Recovered Over $1 Billion for Our Clients

Our skilled lawyers are committed to getting top-dollar settlements for every client we represent. Here, you can read about our most recent personal injury cases in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa.

Damages That Can Be Recovered in a Car Accident Lawsuit in Wisconsin

A fair and just recovery may include:

  • Medical damages: Medical costs include your past, current, and future hospital stays, surgeries, doctors’ visits, medications, rehabilitation therapies, assistive devices and other costs directly related to the treatment of your accident injuries.
  • Out-of-pocket costs: The out-of-pocket money you have to pay for your property damage, transportation costs, and other accident expenses may be part of your recovery.
  • Lost income: If you are unable to work, or unable to work the same hours or for the same wages as you did prior to the accident then you may be able to recover for your past, present and future lost income. If you are self-employed, lost income includes the income you would have earned during your incapacity.
  • Pain and suffering: Your physical pain and emotional suffering are compensable, even if they are harder to value then your other damages.

However, in order to recover these damages, you are likely going to have to fight for justice. An attorney experienced with the ins and outs of a car accident claim can help you make a fair recovery for the injuries you've sustained.

Frequently Asked Questions: Car Accidents in Wisconsin

What Should I Do After a Car Accident?

What you do in the moments following an accident can make all the difference in the world. Being prepared can help you maximize your settlement, should there be one. Below, Milwaukee car accident attorney Jason Abraham discusses what steps you should take directly following a crash:

What Do I Need to Know for a Successful Auto Accident Lawsuit?

The legal process for recovering damages can be confusing and overwhelming. As you negotiate your recovery, you will need to know about:

  • Collecting evidence at the scene of the crash: Important information that can help you later may be available at the scene of your accident.
  • What to do if there is a baby or child in your car at the time of the accident: Babies and young children, or children with special needs who can’t accurately report pain or injury, need to get prompt medical attention for injuries that you can’t see.
  • How to get a copy of your police report: You can request a copy of your police report from the municipality in which your crash occurred or from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.
  • What to avoid doing after an accident: Certain mistakes can hurt your chances of a fair recovery. Thus, it is important to know what you should avoid doing so that your recovery is protected.
  • How to deal with insurance adjusters: Insurance adjusters are looking to pay you as little as possible for your injuries, so it is important for you to know how to talk with them to protect your recovery. It is best to consult with a Milwaukee car accident lawyer before speaking with an insurance adjuster about your accident.
  • Standing to sue: If you were the one hurt, or if you had a certain relationship with a victim who died in the crash then you will have standing to sue for damages in a Wisconsin court.
  • Comparative negligence: Wisconsin follows a modified comparative negligence rule that may allow you to recover damages for your accident injuries even if you were partially to blame for the crash; however, your damages may be reduced or denied completely, depending on your degree of negligence.
  • Expert witnesses: Expert witnesses may be important in determining how your accident happened and the value of your damages.
  • How settlements work: Settlements are complicated and each settlement is unique. However, strong evidence and advocacy may make a fair settlement more likely.
  • How to decide whether you need a car accident lawyer in Milwaukee: If you were seriously injured or if you lost a loved one in a crash, then you likely need a car accident lawyer in Milwaukee to help with your recovery.

Additionally, it is important to know about Wisconsin car seat laws and minimum insurance requirements regardless of whether you have been in an accident.

What is the Statute of Limitations for a Car Accident in Milwaukee?

In Milwaukee, the statute of limitations to file a car accident lawsuit is three years. Meaning, you must file a claim within three years of the incident to be able to obtain any kind of settlement.

At Hupy & Abraham, we highly recommend reaching out to our experienced auto accident attorney in Milwaukee as soon as you've been able to obtain medical attention. Once you've treated your injuries, you can start worrying about your financial recovery as well.

How Do Car Accident Insurance Settlements Start?

You might get a call from an insurance adjuster soon after your car crash. Some may consider that the beginning of a car accident settlement, since anything that you say to the insurer may influence your eventual recovery, but that is not how the formal car accident insurance settlement process starts.

Instead, the Process Starts With a Demand Letter

The insurance company doesn’t have to provide you with any money unless you ask for it. Thus, formal car accident insurance settlement negotiations begin when you or your attorney sends a demand letter to the insurance company requesting a settlement for your accident injuries. The demand letter should be well drafted and persuasive. It should include…

  • Details about the accident, including why the other driver is liable for the accident and your injuries.
  • The specific injuries you have suffered.
  • The specific damages that you are seeking as compensation for your injuries.

The demand letter may be accompanied by supporting documentation.

You should expect to receive a written response to your letter after the insurance company has had time to receive it and consider it. Negotiations will then occur until a settlement is reached or your case goes to court.

Should I Accept the Insurance Companies First Offer?

Generally speaking, you should not. The insurance company is not your friend. They are likely going to offer you a lowball offer right off the bat. Don't take the bait. HIre an experinced auto accident attorney in Milwaukee to help you fight for the settlement you deserve.

What Terms Do I need to Know for a Successful Lawsuit?

The legal process for recovering damages can be confusing and overwhelming. As you negotiate your recovery, you will need to know about:

  • Collecting evidence at the scene of the crash: Important information that can help you later may be available at the scene of your accident.
  • What to do if there is a baby or child in your car at the time of the accident: Babies and young children, or children with special needs who can’t accurately report pain or injury, need to get prompt medical attention for injuries that you can’t see.
  • How to get a copy of your police report: You can request a copy of your police report from the municipality in which your crash occurred or from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation.
  • What to avoid doing after an accident: Certain mistakes can hurt your chances of a fair recovery. Thus, it is important to know what you should avoid doing so that your recovery is protected.
  • How to deal with insurance adjusters: Insurance adjusters are looking to pay you as little as possible for your injuries, so it is important for you to know how to talk with them to protect your recovery. It is best to consult with a car accident lawyer before speaking with an insurance adjuster about your accident.
  • The statute of limitations: Generally, you have three years to file a personal injury case in Wisconsin. However, there are exceptions to this rule. If you fail to file on time, then you may not be able to bring a claim or make a fair recovery.
  • Standing to sue: If you were the one hurt, or if you had a certain relationship with a victim who died in the crash then you will have standing to sue for damages in a Wisconsin court.
  • Comparative negligence: Wisconsin follows a modified comparative negligence rule that may allow you to recover damages for your accident injuries even if you were partially to blame for the crash; however, your damages may be reduced or denied completely, depending on your degree of negligence.
  • Expert witnesses: Expert witnesses may be important in determining how your accident happened and the value of your damages.
  • How settlements work: Settlements are complicated and each settlement is unique. However, strong evidence and advocacy may make a fair settlement more likely.
  • How to decide whether you need a car accident lawyer: If you were seriously injured or if you lost a loved one in a crash, then you likely need a Wisconsin car accident lawyer to help with your recovery.

Additionally, it is important to know about Wisconsin car seat laws and minimum insurance requirements regardless of whether you have been in an accident.

How to Find the Best Car Accident Lawyer in Wisconsin?

Milwaukee car accident lawyer at deskFinding the best car accident lawyer in Milwaukee can be tough, as not all attorneys are created equal. However, there are a few steps you can take to ensure you find the right lawyer for you case, including:

  • Experience with car accidents: You wouldn't hire a plumber to fix your landscaping, just like you wouldn't hire a family attorney with experience in divorce to take on your car accident case. Make sure you ask potential attorneys about their experience, specifically with car accidents. Some personal injury lawyers specialize in dog bites but have little experience with car wrecks. At Hupy and Abraham, our car accident lawyers have been helping accident victims in Milwaukee and throughout the state of Wisconsin since 1969 and have over 170 years of combined experience.
  • Client reviews and testimonials: There really is no better way to understand how an attorney works with people just like you other then reading reviews from past clients. If a law firm has great reviews (and lots of them), then they likely work well with their clients. If they don't, it may be a red flag to stay away.
  • Awards and accolades: If an attorney or law firm has been given awards by local companies, magazines or review sites, that's generally a pretty good sign that they are well established in your area and do a good job protecting their clients.
  • Ask lots of questions: When looking for the best car accident lawyer in Milwaukee, it's important to go into your initial consultation with lots of questions. If you come away satisfied with all their answers, it can go a long way towards making your decision.
  • Word of mouth: An oldie but a goodie, tired and true. Ask around. Ask your family and friends that you trust whether or not they have any recommendations. And while recommendations are great, make sure you do all the other things listed above to make sure their the right car accident lawyer for you.

These aren't all the ways to find the best Milwaukee car accident lawyer, but they are certainly a good starting point to begin your search.

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