Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C. | A CRIMINAL DEFENSE LAW FIRM

Available 24/7 – Free Initial Consultation

Don’t Let A Criminal Conviction Ruin Your Life

Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., Can Help You Fight Back

A criminal conviction can have serious consequences, regardless of whether you are facing a misdemeanor or a serious felony. You need an experienced criminal defense law firm by your side — you need Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C.

Superior Criminal Law Experience

Our attorneys have handled well over 10,000 criminal and traffic cases ― experience few firms can match.

Available 24 Hours A Day

The police never take time off, and neither do we. You can contact us for help any time, day or night.

Criminal Defense Is All We Do

While some law firms may do a little bit of everything, our practice is focused exclusively on criminal defense.

When You Need Us, We’re There For You

Making The Right Call After A Criminal Arrest Can Make All The Difference

Whether you have been charged with a felony or misdemeanor, the criminal defense attorneys at Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., will fight to help make sure you achieve the best outcome possible. We will work to limit the damage to:

  • Your Family: A conviction can keep you from your family.
  • Your Career: You could lose your professional license as a result of having a conviction on your record.
  • Your Wallet: The fines, fees and other costs associated with a criminal conviction add up quickly.
  • Your Future: A criminal conviction can damage your reputation immensely, limiting your career prospects.

We handle a wide range of criminal defense cases, including those involving charges related to drugs, DUI, theft, traffic offenses, financial crimes, assault, robbery and sex crimes, just to name a few.

We have what you need: an aggressive defense against criminal charges.

Call 720-407-2582 For A Free Consultation
Super Lawyers
Lead Counsel Rated | LC
Avvo Clients' Choice 2013 DUI
Expertise Award Best DUI Lawyers In Denver 2016
BBB Accredited Business
Expertise Award - Best DUI Lawyers in Denver 2020

Call Now For Your Free Consultation

You Can Reach Us Any Time, Day Or Night ― Your Criminal Defense Is Too Important To Trust To Anyone Else

We Are The Beginning Of The Solution For You

Our ‘Secret’ To Success: We Are Passionate About Criminal Defense

While some law firms may handle a few criminal cases here and there, at Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C., criminal defense is all we do ― and we are passionate about it. In fact, our passion for criminal defense is one of our biggest strengths. Not only does it helps us strive to understand what our clients are going through, but also inspires us to pursue every legal strategy available to defend your case.

So, whom do you want to handle your criminal case? A law firm that dabbles in criminal law, or a law firm that only practices criminal defense? We think the answer is clear: you need Shazam Kianpour & Associates, P.C.

What Our Clients Say

I Was Treated With Dignity And Respect

“From that first day, [Mr. Kianpour] treated me with dignity and respect[…]. [He] made me feel that he was there for me, not only as my attorney, but he made me feel like he was my friend.” — Grant T., Past client

Shazam Saved Me From Prison

“It looked like I was headed for another railroading from the DA’s office, but Shazam never stopped believing in me or my case, and in the end, I am back with my family. Thanks Shazam, we will never forget your service.” — Richard S., Past client

I Have My Family Back

“My daughter has her record clean intact, and I have my family back. It couldn’t have happened without Shazam’s diligence and hard work. Thanks guys!” — Mary R, Past client