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Defending You Against Criminal Charges In New York

Last updated on April 14, 2021

When you are facing criminal charges in state court, you may have questions. How can you defend yourself and your family? How can you protect your ability to find employment and housing in the future? Is it possible to defend yourself? When you have questions, a skilled attorney can offer you the answers you need.

In addition to our decades of experience representing clients accused of federal crimes, Sapone & Petrillo is dedicated to representing those accused of state crimes in New York. From our New York City and Long Island offices, we have built a reputation for creating positive results for our clients. We are experienced trial attorneys, and we will represent your interests both in and out of the courtroom.

Defending You From A Variety Of Charges

New York’s criminal justice system oversees a wide variety of trials. At Sapone & Petrillo, we have defended against charges that include:

  • Violent crimes including assault and battery
  • Domestic violence
  • Sex offenses like rape or sexual assault
  • State drug crimes
  • Vehicular crimes
  • Property crimes like theft and criminal trespass

If you have been charged with a crime in the state of New York, having a skilled attorney by your side could be key to defending yourself. We will guide you through the legal process, advise you on how to prevent future issues and work to create a positive outcome for your case. We will also advocate for you both in and out of the courtroom and protect your freedom and your future.

Contact Our Experienced Trial Lawyers Today

If you are facing charges in New York state, don’t wait to begin building your defense. Contact us online or call 646-844-3445 to arrange a consultation with our attorneys.