Fighting Injustice In Every Case

Wrongful Death

I Fight For Fair Treatment For Injury Victims

Most people do not have much experience with personal injury law. Many do not believe that personal injury law is necessary if they get hurt. But those notions quickly fall away when you face insurance adjusters seeking to minimize your bills. After suffering a personal injury, you may be emotionally drained and dealing with physical and mental stress from the aftermath of a terrible accident. This is where I can help!

I pursue compensation for people from Kansas City and throughout Missouri and Kansas who have suffered injuries. I advocate vigorously for my clients throughout the process by educating them on what is ahead and always working to hold people responsible for the injuries they cause. I offer a free consultation for all personal injury claims, and I don’t get paid unless I win compensation for you. I win when you win.

When You Are Injured Due To Negligence

Negligence is a form of carelessness that leads to the injury of another person. Sometimes negligence is unintentional. Sometimes it is reckless. However, negligence means that a person lacked ‘due care’ and their conduct was below the minimum necessary to protect others from injuries. And it leaves an innocent person injured.

This type of negligence can be found in almost any kind of accident including:

In most of these incidents, you will find yourself facing an insurance company and its lawyers. These companies employ sophisticated teams of adjusters and lawyers, who use every tactic available to deny or minimize your compensation.

While you are pulled into this nightmare situation by a random accident, the insurance company’s teams work with these claims every day. This is where I can help and why you need a trained professional on your side protecting your interests and fighting for you.

I Fight To Level The Playing Field

Insurance companies are well funded, experienced and motivated to do everything they can to pay you as little as possible for your injuries. Even in cases where the other party was clearly at fault, you may receive little or no compensation. That’s where I come in. I work to level the playing field and help with your recovery.

Free Consultation. Contact Me Today!

Contact my office for a free consultation. Email me or call 816-945-6215 to get started today. I’ll listen to you and build a plan of action with you to pursue the compensation you deserve.